Friday, April 11, 2008 april.w.t.f........

yuck. this stinks. it's supposed to be all green and springy and lovely out. but its grey and dreary and chilly out. what is the deal?

Haven't written anything here in a bit, so I thought I should. Lets see....I spun a new yarn, pics to come soon. Can't decide whether to keep it or try to sell it.
I'm taking some time off the last bit of this month. Gonna hang with my pally Marty one day, try to organize and simplify on the rest, however i imagine that shit will go right out the window as soon as i fire up the coffeepot and turn on the tv. Maybe I should make a no tv rule. maybe.

tata for now...will follow with a better post soon.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

retail therapy

had a bad day. sent kids to movie. sat at bar with friends and had 3 cape cods. went home. drunk shopped on etsy for the kids.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm broke as hell, but i felt like they needed a little present. We have a plan for the whole mess, and will be tackling it all day Saturday, and then I work Sunday. I feel a bit better about the finances too. everythings caught up but the gas bill, and i've made arrangements to pay that off. It's amazing what a bit of booze can do for your optimism. My glass is half full of vodka. yay.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I'm so disappointed in myself. Just feel like crying right here at my desk. I wanted to go to yarn school so damned bad just to learn something new and to get away for a bit, but I let my brain talk me out of it. Life is just poopy sometimes. Poopy and unfair. Why don't my brain and my heart ever agree on anything. I wish they'd get their shit together.

On top of that, my slobbery has gotten out of hand in the last month, and I'm having trouble catching up. I was doing so well, but with two jobs and class and being tired and "blech" feeling, I just let it go. I almost need a couple of kid/work free days to get shit back on track, but my ex will only take one kid at a time because he likes to screw with me like that. poop poop pooooooop. WTF. I gotta get back on track, but I'm just not able to see how right now.

Friday, March 14, 2008

whew!! that was a long damned week.

Willie Nelson is the coolest old man on the planet. My mother jokes that he's my real dad. I've seen him probably 5 times to my mom's 16, and have inherited the obsession. The cat is 74 and puts on a helluva show. We went Sunday night to see him, just mom and me. It's one of our bonding things. We drove down to Topeka, fabric markers in hand just in case. Margaritas at Carlos O'Kelleys for old times sake. (Several to be exact.) Then off to the expo center to try and sneak in. Nothing worked. We tried "Candygram for Mr. Nelson" and also tried telling some radio folks that I was his illigitimate love child. Shucks. No luck. Oh well, it was an awesome show, I was completely and utterly inebriated and danced with a whole mess of men in overalls, young and old. I believe one of them tried to pick me up with the line, "Sugar, I've got 180 acres and some damned fine tractors. Come on home with me." I said, "Nope, I'm going home with my momma."

It's presently friday. yay for fridays!! I'm working at the bar tomorrow, then out for a dinner with the fam and the boyfriend. Sunday is my K8's birthday, she's going to be NINE. OUCH. She's already smarter than me and could probably kick my ass if she wanted to. Thank goodness she's easily bribed with craft supplies.

They are off to their dad's for a few days starting Monday (spring break.) I love my babies an awful lot, but I'm finding that one of the perks of divorce is that you get a little time to yourself. I'm hoping that the fiber I ordered will be here soon. I'll stick some pics up here of what I ordered. I think that the two fibers will be very pretty together. I want to spend some time spinning and watching tv, maybe rent a couple of movies and just be alone. I'm kinda liking that whole alone thing.

Sent off my first package for That sure was fun, and I'm signed up for a few more. Can't wait to see what I get.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

swamp thang headed to its new home.


made my first sale today. WHOOOOOHOOOO!! i'm so excited that i actually did it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

learning the ropes

I'm trying to figure out this whole "etsy" thing. i spent a lot of time on the forums today learning, and being critiqued, which helped, i think. I've got a lot more views and some more people "hearted" me. I changed my banner to reflect what's in my store, and am thinking about trying it with my avatar. I hope i get a sale soon because these poor yarns i have lying about are in danger of being turned into a scarf.

Monday, March 3, 2008

monday morning coming down

just sat down to my desk and thought i'd better put a line or two here. Had a good weekend. Cleaned all day Saturday, so it felt good getting a bunch done. however, waking up this morning you couldn't tell. (it's amazing what two kids can do to a house.) I worked yesterday at the bar and made a few bucks. Finished a yarn last night. I'll put pics up as soon as it's dry. It's really really fuzzy and sheds. (alpaca i think.) Very pretty, but somehow I don't think it'd be practical to make anything out of it. you'd constantly be pulling pink fiber off of your shirt.
I wanted to call in sick today, but couldn't afford to take any time off, so I'd better get my ass to work, now. blah.

double blah.

blah infinity.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

new year, new me, new goals....same old underwear.

first blog, here goes....

I just got a divorce. Like JUST. On Monday. I think it was about as painless as they come. We've been separated since June, so I was really ready, feeling no pain about it, but when the judge swore me in, "do you swear to tell the whole truth...blah blah blah" i answered "I DO." There's some irony for ya.
So, here's the start of my new life. What to do with it? I'm covered on the "get a hobby" front. I've got too damned many of those. (and i finish almost ZERO projects i start.) I'm dating someone, so that's covered too. (not that I need to date anyone, but I'm enjoying myself, having a good time.) I'm very disorganized and have no direction, so I think what I need now are some goals. I think 100 goals should cover it. Here we go.
  1. Get some new underwear. enough with the granny panties.
  2. Keep up with my bill paying organizing, that's going pretty well (cept with those big gas bills lately, argh)
  3. spend more homework time with the kids
  4. go through their bags more regularly
  5. organize and get rid of clothes. we have entirely too many.
  6. wake up earlier
  7. go to bed earlier
  8. eat better
  9. exercise more..get back to walking every night.
  10. manicure and pedicure nights with k8
  11. text less
  12. cook more, and freeze ahead
  13. learn to spin yarn better (yarn school, here i come)
  14. do laundry more regularly
  15. respect my is my oasis.
  16. surf the Internet less. (no more damned perezhilton. its rotting my brain)
  17. stock my shop with more stuff!
  18. sell something on etsy already!
  19. organize my jewelry
  20. start that journal that's been sitting by my bed for so long
  21. kiss more
  22. hug more
  23. be cranky less
  24. wear less black
  25. stop forgetting birthdays
  26. streamline the laundry process (big issue at my house, that laundry.)
  27. pack away winter clothes,
  28. make a station for swimsuit stuff and baseball stuff for the season
  29. take better care of your feet
  30. another play? maybe, we'll see
  31. spend more time with my BFF LOLO
  32. bake more cupcakes (doesn't that cancel out#8?)
  33. read more.
  34. take the library books back
  35. be greener
  36. make an electronics charging station. (phones, nintendo ds)
  37. go see your grandpa more
  38. build up your yarn and fiber stash
  39. learn to follow a crochet pattern (you have enough scarves already)
  40. try knitting again?
  41. be all about whatever K8 does this summer (softball, swimteam, anything)
  42. Hug N8 every chance you get
  43. take N8 to the skate park when it opens as much as possible
  44. clean out your van once a week (you can do this at lunch, which will help #8)
  45. start christmas shopping early
  46. make better use of your time at work...
  47. make tutorials for payroll in case you are ever sick on a thursday.
  48. quit making unnecessary "feel good" purchases (except when you REALLY need it)
  49. have a checkup
  50. get a for realz haircut,( by a real beautician, not yourself.)
  51. organize the pantry
  52. hang K8s closet rod
  53. find her a toybox
  54. pass your first responder class and seriously think about doing the EMT thing again
  55. ask for a raise (come on, grow a pair)
  56. participate once a month on
  57. save more money
  58. re-read the tightwad gazette books
  59. win something
  60. drink more water
  61. drink more vodka
  62. drink less coffee
  63. get N8's ears cleaned out once a month.
  64. pay attention to the calendar
  65. buy a watch
  66. wear said watch
  67. take a road trip
  68. go to alabama to see your folks
  69. swim in the ocean
  70. eat some crab claws
  71. take a vacation day and eat lunch with the kids at school
  72. take auntie out to eat more
  73. do may baskets like you did when you were a kid. the kids will like it.
  74. try that chalkboard paint easter egg thing
  75. learn to flip an omelet correctly
  76. get grandpa's stories and make a book
  77. convince dad to make a tape of him playing guitar and banjo.
  78. teach N8 to juggle
  79. facepaint again this year at Troy, that's always fun.
  80. either decide you like your part time gig or quit. it's not that much money, but it is fun sometimes
  81. let go of past pain a little, it's making you bitter sometimes
  82. investigate new music.
  83. volunteer with the kids
  84. get a for realz wheel. the mother marion's great, but you need something faster.
  85. sit down to dinner at the table, not the couch
  86. have the kids help cook more
  87. get the carpets cleaned
  88. standby with the ambulance at a couple of football games with sdad.
  89. make some cute aprons (cherries, skulls, bling, fun stuff like that) for work
  90. dress better for your day job (less jeans more skirts)
  91. find a flattering pair of khakis that you can wear to work
  92. get a pet, other than sea monkeys. but with the same amount of required care if at all possible.
  93. get some houseplants.
  94. figure out what all this HDTV talk is, and does it mean you have to get a new TV? dangit.
  95. cuss less, potty mouth
  96. find a bathing suit that you're comfortable in, you've been wearing the same one for 5 years
  97. organize the back room, and put the kid's tv and game stuff back there.
  98. go on more dates
  99. rollerskate more
  100. find how to be happy again.

dang! that was hard. I guess as I complete some of these, I'll highlight them. and keep y'all up to date on my progress.